Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 8, 2011

Tablouri Quilling / Quilling Canvas - Colorful Tree

Colorful Tree - tablou copac quilling circul magic
Colorful Tree - Tablou Quilling Circul Magic

Cea mai recenta si colorata creatie a Circului Magic: un minunat copac colorat realizat din cercuri de hartie in stil quilling, pe fundal rosu. Copacul este pe suport de tablou patrat imbracat in panza, colorat in rosu. Are un strat protector de lac ca sa fie mai durabil.

The most recent creation by Circul Magic: A wonderful colorful tree, made from many paper quilling circles, on a red background. Comes on a red canvas and it features a protective layer of varnish for durability.

Quilling canvas size: 20 cm x 20 cm

Colorful Tree - tablou copac quilling circul magic
Colorful Tree - Tablou Quilling Circul Magic
Colorful Tree - tablou copac quilling circul magic
Colorful Tree - Tablou Quilling Circul Magic

Colorful Tree - tablou copac quilling circul magic
Colorful Tree - Tablou Quilling Circul Magic

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